Time of Death...
God, grant me the presence of mind not to drive to Washington and throttle George Bush.In the face of the suffering, dying and dead, he used their horrific situation as an opportunity to get the press to take completely staged pictures of the progress in front of the breached levee that killed so many.
"But perhaps the greatest disappointment stands at the breached 17th Street levee. Touring this critical site yesterday with the President, I saw what I believed to be a real and significant effort to get a handle on a major cause of this catastrophe. Flying over this critical spot again this morning, less than 24 hours later, it became apparent that yesterday we witnessed a hastily prepared stage set for a Presidential photo opportunity; and the desperately needed resources we saw were this morning reduced to a single, lonely piece of equipment. The good and decent people of southeast Louisiana and the Gulf Coast – black and white, rich and poor, young and old – deserve far better from their national government." -- Mary Landrieu
I know that You ask repeatedly for us to help the poor. I also know there's a single reference about supporting leaders in the book of Romans. I'm going to exercise my free will here and tell You that I will not support this idiot. His actions go against everything I believe is compassionate. He is selfish, short sighted, and a dumbass. He's used this country to death. I'm calling it.
Jet, you have selected an intersting title for your post- Sounds like you are a medical professional. I think we also have to put our thinking caps on and start determining the time of death for the unfortunate souls in NOLA. That is two numbers become utmost important: 1) those killed by Katrina outright, and 2) those killed because of the pathetic response by the various peoples responsible for helping out. Next we dedicate an army of lawyers to litigate the shit out of the W, Rove and Co. The class action suit of wrongful death cases, no doubt will tumble this house of cards.
Blog on Sister.
Amen! Preach it!
Sorry, Wind. I'm a bookkeeper by day, cranky blogger by night, Mom 24/7. I guess I feel like our patient is dying because the insurance company is dinking around.
Thanks, Matthew61!
I didn't think W could fit any more feet into his mouth, but every day there's a new outrageous utterance from him, and now from his mommy, daddy and wifey-poo. "Poor Georgie is doing the best he can, stop picking on him!
But thank GOD Trent Lott will be rebuilding his house, maybe we can ALL go s(h)it on his front porch! And maybe Condi's new shoes from her NYC shopping spree last Wednesday will help her to outrun the truth... for awhile.
The only good thing to come of this is the inevitable disintegration of this self-righteous administration and their fabric of lies. If they DON'T get a come-uppance, I think American people will storm the Capitol in protest.
I got this from a friend:
Q: How many Bush administration officials does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. There is nothing wrong with the light bulb; its conditions are improving every day. Any reports of its lack of incandescence are a delusional spin from the liberal media. There is no shortage of filament. That light bulb has served honorably, and anything you say undermines the lighting effect. Why do you hate freedom? What does your wife do for a living?
(Aside) Somebody get Bob Novak on the phone!
What a legacy...
You speak my mind. And what Windspike says is interesting. Has there ever been a wrongful death class action suit against the federal government? That would certainly wake up a few idiots.
I think the American people are waking up.
Like what Windspike has to say but it's too much for my one tracked mind
The entire world is watching us embarrass ourselves. We appear like a 3rd world country, or a collective "goofball" with two right feet in our handling of this disaster and it is a complete shame and DISGRACE!
Incompetence, bickering, and finger-pointing, in the wake of a natural disaster in our own backyard is giving our brothers and sisters from other countries a bird's eye view of how we Americans deal with adversity.
During 9/11, we all held hands and sang "God Bless America" for a few days. No such thing during Katrina.
Speaking of 9/11 vs. Katrina; I've found it equally shocking; the images of the Twin Towers falling AS WELL AS watching American Citizens starve and thirst for 2 days without relief while they hunkered down on 2 world-famous structures in the blistering sun with no law, order, food, or water in sight: I-10 and the Superdome. In both instances, I watched the video feeds in HORROR and SHOCK as I kept thinking to myself; "Is this actually HAPPENING before my eyes in America???"
What can be more embarrassing to a proud American than all of this? Especially when you know the rest of the world is skeptically judging we, the so-called "Superpower"....
Betsy, the shoe spree still sticks in my craw. It just revolts me that shoes were such a priority in the face of enormous crises.
The lawsuit idea is interesting.
GTL, I guess it boils down to what the definition of superpower is... greed or leadership. I think we're well down into the greed pool, and that is why we are feeling so ashamed. National honor comes from solid leadership. Leadership is just as much about saying no as saying yes, based on the risk and benefits of the decision.
Our country is behaving like an overgrown, spoiled two year old. We greedily take what we want and we act like we can't understand reason. It truly IS embarrassing.
Great post. The sooner this corrupt amoral administration collapses like a house of cards, the better.
Thanks, Tom. I think keeping the pressure on is job one right now.
OK Lib, I tend to agree. I'm not much for jumping on the Nazi bandwagon, but using this national tragedy as an opportunity for self promotion is several levels below crass, x pi.
The idiot democraps were the ones to messed up at the state and local levels, oh foolish one. Landrieu was a deer in the headlights, as was Blanco. Two Stupid liberal women who didn't have a clue about what to do. They will be gone soon!
Every stinkin' democrap should hand over every dime they have to cover for their disaster. Blaming Bush is stupid and democraps will get KILLED at the polls again and again because they transfer blame to everyone but themselves.
The vast MAJORITY see right through the panty-waist whining liberals and are disgusted!!!
The infantile liberals have no clue about reality whatsoever, and never will because they're selfish, emotionally wrecked little bastards who deserve what they have coming, and it's not going to be pretty for the dems.
Stay tuned!
"vast majority" = 39 percent
Thanks, Ottmann! You're an idiot!
Being ever the optimist, I see an end to this madness coming. There's got to be.
Sometimes is does feel like one step forward, two steps back, but I agree Mil, at the end of the day, some form of progress is made.
Good post Jet.
And of course, Ottman is right in there with his ever-present, balanced logic to straighten out the "liberal" mindset. (What a joke...)
The truth is that the faliure in the Gulf is something to be sahred equally by both political parties, the corporate apologists who associate with these corrupt parties, and every one of us on both sides of the aisle who have let apathy and complacency take over our national politics and sully our reputation as a "good country."
This current government is an abject failure in so many areas, but the blame for this disaster is not theirs alone. The utter lack of any leadership qualities is entirely within their sphere of shame though, and they deserve no quarter for continuing, and actively accelerating the sell-out of the American people.
read my post here for another point of view:
I think that pinpointing blame on Bush alone won't hold water. The point of the post was simply that using this disater as a PR stunt is not leadership. This is not the first time manipulating facts has usurped actual leadership in this administration.
I've just had enough. His crass selfishness appalls me.
I will, of course, check your post out, Ken. They always give my brain something substantial to chew on.
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