Water, Water, Everywhere...
...but none of it's on my farm.It's Florida, it's July, and it's caved in. My well, that is.
I'm looking for the half full viewpoint here, but lets face it, what I'd settle for is my well half full of water, instead of completely full of sand.
While we figure out how we're gonna handle this, we have to haul water for ourselves and the kids, two and a half cattle, (she's due in February), a full grown pig, three goats, five turkeys and 30-odd chickens.
My social calendar is full.
Rove's on the run, and there's plenty to do. Carry the torch while I carry the pails, and we'll regroup in a few days to compare stories.
And say a little prayer for those folks in North Florida. They're fixin' to get creamed. My little problem pales to insignificance in comparison.
Glad to hear you guys are ok, I was starting to wonder about you. I can picture you out there in the chaos of it all, the farm not the hurricane, but still be safe and hope you are going to be alright...
What an interesting life you lead, Jet. You never fail to surprise me.
BTW, where in the midwest did you grow up? I'm from thereabouts myself...
Well, thank goodness you are all okay, despite the well fiasco. Hang in there, and we'll look for your divine self when the farm is back in operation. Take good care of yourselves!!!!!!
Thanks, all. We are hoping to have water again at the end of the week. Think of me when you're in the shower with gallons sluicing off...
Scottie Mc-liar-pants got his by way of the MSM today. Glad they finaly woke up. Damn, it's finally getting fun and I'm missing the party.
I'll be in touch. I'm starting to look really buff from hauling those buckets around. Heh.
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