Letter to my Daughter
The sun, on its second rising post election, has me thinking of women and our simple quest to be human in a world determines to keep us as other.I have a lovely, accomplished, brilliant daughter. She's headed to college this fall, and her world is full of promise, college applications, and dreams of a freshly minted adult life where she makes her choices, determines what she does with her time to create her future. She wants, has the aptitude and grades, and the passion to be a research scientist. Her future, as Tom Petty sang, is wide open.
As a parent, I study campus rape statistics, eye the Brocks of the world, and talk to my daughter about living fully, yet safely. This should be her right, to move and be safe, to contribute to society and be safe, to add to the collective brain trust of our nation, and be safe.
Now we have President Pussy, and it's difficult to see that her four years are now moved into a culture where assault in green lit from the top.
Our beloved American daughters are as human and valuable as our beloved American sons. We are failing to hold, keep and promote that belief. As a population of parents, half the nation blew this sacred trust.
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