Hard Truths, Bitches
I remember taking a stupid little poll, on Move-On, probably, asking who you wanted to run for the Democratic nomination... and I picked Biden, Sanders, and Warren. This was long before the actual hats hit the ring and the subsequent shenanigans, and I made those picks based off a list of about 15 names.
Not choosing HRC was deliberate. I'd actually seen her in Chicago in 2007, and I heard a lot of her policy and approach positions. While I admired her a great deal, I didn't catch fire.
Fire matters.
You can't create passion from policy papers, it's a heart thing. And this brings me to the rant. From the very beginning, there was a cadre of older women voters who WOULD NOT LISTEN. This was their time, the culmination of all the misogynistic bullshit they endured their whole lives, and this was non-negotiable. Getting a woman in was the goal. Not the best person, or the most nuanced choice given the times and tides, but a woman. Period. Fuck you, don't talk to me, this is our shining moment in the sun, the anti-penis... well, you get my drift.
And now, our gender is going to pay, see the set-back of years of effort, and frankly, it wasn't necessary.
The coronation of HRC so early on rankled a lot a people, female people, like me, who actually believe in the process of weighing, debating and choosing. Bypassing that process because it's your turn felt like we were running Bob Dole, a horrible candidate whose platform consisted of "it's my time". Um, nope.
The world never stops changing, and yeah, it sucks that your candidate missed that crucial bus and the electorate needed a different message and skill set to inspire it. It's like training for the Olympics your whole life and peaking one year too soon. It slams you in the gut.
That said, you militant ladies who were unwilling to even think of what the rest of us in the party wanted, needed, and how the tone of the country had changed, thanks for grabbing us by the pussy. We didn't get to say no, either.
This party whose values and ideals I love is due for a major shake-up. You want to win, look around. Look at the people who despise the DNC, the tits for tat, the games, the money, the disassociation of from the grungy, struggling, un-moneyed base. HELLO.
There are zero parties in this country that are actually interested in the people, and only one who can possibly get that back. The other one lies disingenuously, proficiently and astonishingly. If the Dems want to build this thing, they need to tack back to being scrappy and defiant. Kind of like Bernie, but perhaps 30 years younger. Where are those people? Put them in charge and let's raise some hell.
But, for God's sake, never, EVER, tell us, process be damned, who you've decided is Queen.
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